I guess the greatest challenge we faced was to gather a community of contributors. We initailly thought contributors and viewers would naturally come if we just spread the word out onto the forums, but from this experience, we learned that it isn't as simple as that.
What we could have done instead was to focus on a specific niche, like the GIMP community, and let them develop a comprehensive GIMP guide for Photoshop users, then eventually brach out to other software equivalents.
I think our advertising options were limited also because it isn't semester time, when we could have actaully approach IT clubs to contribute. Since it is the inter-semester break season, we had no one to physically approach because these clubs weren't in meeting.
But our advertising efforts were not in vain. Just this morning, I received 2 replies from facebooks contacts agreeing to contribute to the wiki. I dare not keep my hopes up because I have already seen several empty promises when it comes to contributions. Still, I believe this wikia has plenty of potential to grow into a useful "software dictionary".
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Monday, 20 June 2011
Mailing List Circulation Not Approved
We joined the Free Software Foundation mailing list in hopes of circulating news of our wiki page to the open source community (and FSF is the biggest of such communities we know). However, it has been days and the newsletter still isn't circulated.
From: Darrell Leong <deepdarkabyss@gmail.com>
Date: June 17, 2011 10:04:37 PM GMT+08:00
To: info-press@fsf.org
Subject: HopOver Wiki (please forward to mailing list)
Calling all Free Open Source Software Supporters!
My team is starting a wiki page to help facilitate software users switch over from proprietary software to open source software. Introducing:
The HopOver Wiki!
The goal of the site is to be a dictionary for users to translate their skills to operate proprietary software to skills for using open source software. The wiki not only introduce free open source software equivalents, but even tool and featural equivalents between each proprietary-open source equivalent pair!
Please visit our site: http://hopover.wikia.com/wiki/HopOver_Wiki
Feel free so read/ contribute!
Support the cause!
The HopOver Team
Will send another email to the admin to see if I can find out why wasn't it approved for circulation. Building a community of contributors sure isn't easy. =(
From: Darrell Leong <deepdarkabyss@gmail.com>
Date: June 17, 2011 10:04:37 PM GMT+08:00
To: info-press@fsf.org
Subject: HopOver Wiki (please forward to mailing list)
Calling all Free Open Source Software Supporters!
My team is starting a wiki page to help facilitate software users switch over from proprietary software to open source software. Introducing:
The HopOver Wiki!
The goal of the site is to be a dictionary for users to translate their skills to operate proprietary software to skills for using open source software. The wiki not only introduce free open source software equivalents, but even tool and featural equivalents between each proprietary-open source equivalent pair!
Please visit our site: http://hopover.wikia.com/wiki/HopOver_Wiki
Feel free so read/ contribute!
Support the cause!
The HopOver Team
Will send another email to the admin to see if I can find out why wasn't it approved for circulation. Building a community of contributors sure isn't easy. =(
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
First Contributor!
We have approached many forums to advertise our site but the general feedback we got was potential contributors get turned off when they see how small the content it. Afterall, who would want to contribute to what looks like a dead wiki? It really is a poverty cycle when it comes to content.
Hence, we have changed our strategy to the "brute force" method by contacting our friends and forum administrators, anyone who knows software, to contribute to the site. Many of them liked the idea and said they might contribute, but ... you know...
However, one person conquered his sloth and created a page! *pops champagne* It was a good page until I realised that most of the content are taken from Open Office wiki (don't worry, it is licensed CC-BY). Nonetheless, this is still a step for us and hopefully, a few more contributions and we can break out of this poverty cycle.
Hence, we have changed our strategy to the "brute force" method by contacting our friends and forum administrators, anyone who knows software, to contribute to the site. Many of them liked the idea and said they might contribute, but ... you know...
However, one person conquered his sloth and created a page! *pops champagne* It was a good page until I realised that most of the content are taken from Open Office wiki (don't worry, it is licensed CC-BY). Nonetheless, this is still a step for us and hopefully, a few more contributions and we can break out of this poverty cycle.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Attracting Contributors - Plan D
Plan D is to create a Facebook page for the wikia. By sharing the page, we are advertising the wikia to all of our Facebook contacts.
Attracting Contributors - Plan C
Attracting Contributors - Plan B
Attracting Contributors - Plan A
Plan A is to go to several software related forums to encourage the software community to be part of the wiki.
1) GIMPtalk

2) GIMPforums

We targetted GIMP forums because we already have a decent page on Photoshop to GIMP. If there are people refering to that page, site traffic will increase and hopefully the contributors will come.
1) GIMPtalk

2) GIMPforums

We targetted GIMP forums because we already have a decent page on Photoshop to GIMP. If there are people refering to that page, site traffic will increase and hopefully the contributors will come.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
The Example Page
So we need to create a page for other contributers to refer to for the template. We discussed yesterday on doing a page on Word/Libre Text Document but we need to take another thing into consideration.
One criteria for us to show that this project is a success is to get someone, who has been using a proprietary and not used its FOSS equivalent before, to create something using the FOSS with the help of the tanslations on our wiki. We should not only get his feedback, but also present what he produced with the help of our wite.
In this case, it will be better to expand our page on GIMP/Photoshop so we can show a graphic product rather than a plain old text document.
One criteria for us to show that this project is a success is to get someone, who has been using a proprietary and not used its FOSS equivalent before, to create something using the FOSS with the help of the tanslations on our wiki. We should not only get his feedback, but also present what he produced with the help of our wite.
In this case, it will be better to expand our page on GIMP/Photoshop so we can show a graphic product rather than a plain old text document.
Webchat Discussion: 03/06/11
the project is not about developing the site
it is about getting the community to develop it
that is the point of a wiki
hey can you invite germain into the chat?
yhnger@hotmail.com saysoh wow finally
hUeY says
so are we sticking to the original topic or the newly proposed?
Darrell Leong says
Natalie you asked how far should we actually go when we translate GIMP to photoshop right?
we dont have to do everything ourselves
true, there are millions of program equivalents to translate but thats not for us to do
the wiki is meant for the community to develope on
hUeY says
yes i do get what you mean, but how many FOSS are you looking at for this project?
Darrell Leong says
How bout we each do a page?
there are plenty of options eg PowerPoint to Impress,
hUeY says
can i ask why the sudden the change in topic?
Darrell Leong says
heres an example
we can still stcik to the original plan
yhnger@hotmail.com says
i'm actually okay with the new idea
Darrell Leong says
afterall our original idea is to redo a instruction manual for Sys Workflow
yhnger@hotmail.com says
it's very feasible
Darrell Leong says
we can find it a FOSS equivalent and post them on the wki
it is still an instrucgtion manual
but the difference is that HopOver is pro FOSS, so although it explains Sys-Workflow, it discourages it
hUeY says
yes all right great
talk to mr harrish abt it during break?
yhnger@hotmail.com says
okay we'll do
but let's select 3 to do first
like darrell said, photoshop to gimp
word to openoffice or whichever
then also
i think we should further narrow it down to specifically what we want to focus on within that software
because now it's so general
word has SO MANY functions
are we going to explain all?
it'll be a little insane
Darrell Leong says
harish said we can give the page several categories
basic, itermediate, advance
yhnger@hotmail.com says
then we'll also need to define
what is basic
intermediate and advanced
hUeY says
isn't it subjective as to what's basic, intermediate?
yhnger@hotmail.com says
yes i agree with natalie
Darrell Leong says
yhnger@hotmail.com says
for example i consider using shortcuts like ctrl+s basic
but i know of pple who have no idea what shortcuts are
Darrell Leong says
its subjective
yhnger@hotmail.com says
so we need to specify
Darrell Leong says
maybe we can draw the borders
if the community doesnt like that, they are free to change it
yhnger@hotmail.com says
yep that is why defining it is important
hUeY says
the thing with wiki, it's suppose to be a plethora of info, if we are going to define it, doesn't it defeat the purpose?
yhnger@hotmail.com says
natalie are u editing the blog right now?
cos i cant seem to access it
but that's actually to our benefit
hUeY says
nope not ediiting
yhnger@hotmail.com says
because the idea of a wiki is to let the community add their own information
not just ours
we do not have to monitor and control it
we are simply some sort of starting a "movement"
to put it in an airy fairy manner
hUeY says
all right that being said, how abt not categorizing it to baisc, intermediate...blah
Darrell Leong says
same goes with the page... you dont have to explain everything you don't know... just present the info you have and the community will add to it
hUeY says
but rather a few functions
for each FOSS
Darrell Leong says
i have an idea
how bout we list down the features from the most common to the least, basic to advance
no borders... just a list
yhnger@hotmail.com says
how about we narrow it down to one FOSS
hUeY says
yhnger@hotmail.com says
from there we actually pick out the functions we want to zoom inon
think about it
for the paid software alone
i am not confident of knowing its in and outs
now we're going to have to write a manual to transit
it's gonna be daunting
unless we make it seem like a
guide for dummies
where WE are the dummies
and even explain the mistakes we made
or the frustrations we face
rather than a professional info kind of thing
Darrell Leong says
so we focus on one equivalent pair?
yhnger@hotmail.com says
but wikia is quite serious if i'm not wrong
i vote for one equivalent
Darrell Leong says
we should put the data on the wikia, ewverything else (eg mistakes progress obstacles etc) on the Impress slides
hUeY says
Friday, 3 June 2011
Objectives for HopOver
To make concrete the objectives we have to fulfill for HopOver:
1) For the User - Allow a user to try using any FOSS with HopOver as a guide. Gain feedback on whether it is user-friendly and fulfill it's objective of allowing easy transition from paid software to FOSS.
2) For the Community - Gain visibility and traction to HopOver with the community actively contributing to the wikia.
1) For the User - Allow a user to try using any FOSS with HopOver as a guide. Gain feedback on whether it is user-friendly and fulfill it's objective of allowing easy transition from paid software to FOSS.
2) For the Community - Gain visibility and traction to HopOver with the community actively contributing to the wikia.
New Plan is Feasible but...
The new plan is very feasible though we must clearly define the information that WE can provide. We must not forget that for paid software alone, we are not able to fully grasp all its functions. Translating it for people to transit to FOSS will be a daunting task for us if we simply just generalize what we are doing.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Possible New Plan For Project
This is with regard to the previous blog post. Let's try to bring FOSS instruction to a new level.
I have created a wiki: HopOver
The idea is simple. To help software users "HopOver" into the open source world. This idea is to not only tell people about open free software equivalents, but also guide them with feature equivalents within each software.
Example: How to do the same thing on GIMP as the "lasso" tool in photoshop. If there is no direct feature equivalent, an alternative method can be introduced.
It will not be thick GIMP for Dummies with all the instruction on complex design maneuvres, but it will introduce the basic common equivalent tool, enough for new users of the software to take baby steps. Photoshop/GIMP is just an example of such pages and there are others like PowerPoint/Impress. Libre/Microsoft Office would be an easy start before we tackle more complex software equivalents.
I just created the homepage, and I'll touch it up and contribute some About pages tomorrow.
Note: Sorry, I haven't discussed this idea with you guys (rest of the team) yet because I just came up with it just now in the middle of the night (didn't want to wake you both) and I thought I'd log it down here before I forget in the morning. This is not our finalised project plan yet, so do not be alarmed if you see this post. I still need to hear what you both think.
I have created a wiki: HopOver
The idea is simple. To help software users "HopOver" into the open source world. This idea is to not only tell people about open free software equivalents, but also guide them with feature equivalents within each software.
Example: How to do the same thing on GIMP as the "lasso" tool in photoshop. If there is no direct feature equivalent, an alternative method can be introduced.
It will not be thick GIMP for Dummies with all the instruction on complex design maneuvres, but it will introduce the basic common equivalent tool, enough for new users of the software to take baby steps. Photoshop/GIMP is just an example of such pages and there are others like PowerPoint/Impress. Libre/Microsoft Office would be an easy start before we tackle more complex software equivalents.
I just created the homepage, and I'll touch it up and contribute some About pages tomorrow.
Note: Sorry, I haven't discussed this idea with you guys (rest of the team) yet because I just came up with it just now in the middle of the night (didn't want to wake you both) and I thought I'd log it down here before I forget in the morning. This is not our finalised project plan yet, so do not be alarmed if you see this post. I still need to hear what you both think.
Just A Thought...
As we all know, there are plenty of open source equivalents to expensive softwares out there but why are people still paying so much to proprietry softwares? I feel that one main reason is familiarity.
Majority of computer users would still rather pay to have the familiar interface of the programs they have been using for a long time.
This project is about improving instruction for open source software. Perhaps we should modify manuals to aide people in transiting from proprietries to FOSS. But how?
Consider the equivalents Adobe Photoshop and GIMP. Photoshop isn't cheap but it still widely used. Maybe just knowing that a free software is equivalent is not enough for people to move and readapt into the FOSS camp. Maybe we should go one step deeper by not only introducing software equivalents, but also introducing tool equivalents within the free software. One nice organised table of tool equivalent for each pair of software equivalent would really get users over the net when they switch over to free programs.
Just a thought.
Majority of computer users would still rather pay to have the familiar interface of the programs they have been using for a long time.
This project is about improving instruction for open source software. Perhaps we should modify manuals to aide people in transiting from proprietries to FOSS. But how?
Consider the equivalents Adobe Photoshop and GIMP. Photoshop isn't cheap but it still widely used. Maybe just knowing that a free software is equivalent is not enough for people to move and readapt into the FOSS camp. Maybe we should go one step deeper by not only introducing software equivalents, but also introducing tool equivalents within the free software. One nice organised table of tool equivalent for each pair of software equivalent would really get users over the net when they switch over to free programs.
Just a thought.
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